A progressive Node js framework

Nest provides a @nestjs/config package out-of-the-box to help load our .env file. A module is a JavaScript/TypeScript class with the @Module()decorator. The @Module() decorator provides metadata that Nest uses to organise the application structure.

You will create a new single-page application that will represent the front-end React app in the next part of the tutorial. Once the installation process is complete, you can then easily import the MongooseModule into your application. We see companies of all shapes and sizes that rely on Nest as their go-to back-end choice for production applications.

Understanding the Building blocks of Nest.js

It controls which controller receives which requests and points to the methods that should process the request and return a response, respectively. Now create a sub-directory named schemas within the initially created blog directory. Here, you imported the MongooseModule into the root AppModule and then used the forRoot() method to supply the connection to the database. Once the editing of the above file is completed, you have now successfully set up a database connection for your application by using the Mongoose module for MongoDB. You can easily install a new Nest.js project using the command-line interface built specifically for scaffolding Nest applications called Nest CLI. React is an open-source JavaScript frontend framework for building an intuitive and interactive user interface.

what does a nest.js developer do

Next, if you’re part of any organization, you will need to select the organization you wish to work under to set up your repository with CircleCI. Here, we passed the ProductRepository class to the TypeOrm.forFeature() method. To protect your routes and ensure that every user gets authenticated before accessing some of the resources provided by your API, you will make use of Auth0.

Why Use Nest.js

In this testingModule the providers array is composed of ProductService and a mockProductRepository to mock the custom ProductRepository using a factory. Nest.js is a scalable and efficient server-side Node.js framework built with TypeScript. Nest.js was created to provide a structural design pattern to the Node.js development world.

what does a nest.js developer do

Here, we have defined a class to represent CreateProductDTO and also added a bit of validation to ensure that the data type of the fields is string. Next, we will create a repository to help persist data directly https://wizardsdev.com/en/vacancy/middle-senior-nestjs-developer/ into our application database. Similarly to the BlogController, each of the asynchronous methods you have defined here has a metadata decorator and takes in a prefix that Nest.js uses as a routing mechanism.

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In our use case with passport-local, there are no configuration options, so our constructor simply calls super() without any options object. Here, we injected the user repository to communicate with the DB. TypeScript interfaces are only used for type-checking and they do not compile down into JavaScript code. Knowledge of TypeScript and JavaScript is very important to follow along with this tutorial. Experience with Angular is a plus, but no worries – this post will explain every concept you need to know about Nest. If you’re an Angular developer, the concept of Nest Service Provider sounds familiar to you and resembles the same concept of providers in Angular.

There are also some other quirks you might encounter especially using this combo for enterprise development. You either have to construct every service yourself (then you have lots of repeated code and loose any profits from DI) or expose nest.js application with it’s get method. It’s highly likely that you or your team opted for NEXT.js before choosing a backend. Using two frameworks and maintaining a bridge between them would be an overhead.


Additionally, we built a simple to-do RESTful to practically demonstrate the awesomeness of the framework. Lastly, we’ll build out a DTO (Data Transfer Object) that defines how the data will be sent or passed from object to object over the network. This schema will specify how the data will be represented in our database. We’ll begin by setting up the framework and installing all the necessary tools to get it up and running. Here, we’ll enumerate the pros and cons of Nest.js for a better understanding of why it’s such a popular framework in the Node.js ecosystem. Next, we’ll discuss why you and your company should choose Nest.js for your next project, and we’ll provide insight into why others already use the framework and its benefits.

  • To learn more advanced topics like HMR, more SSR techniques and proxying with nest-next read the second part of this article.
  • Included in the libraries above is a dotenv module to load variables from a .env file.
  • Regardless of which one is true in your case, it may turn out that Nest.js is just the right answer to your needs.
  • The Nest.js CLI doesn’t add a .gitignore file, so you need to start by creating this file.
  • Among them is the primary key column to uniquely identify a product.
  • You can now proceed to create the required routes that will handle HTTP calls from a front-end client.

Like most web frameworks, controllers in Nest.js are responsible for handling any incoming requests and returning responses to the client side of the application. Nest.js is a server-side Node.js framework that’s great for building highly testable and maintainable backend applications. You can create countless types of applications with Node.js; you’re only limited by your applications’ features.

Useful process properties in Node JS💚

The server sends the client a list of TodoDto in the form of TodoListDto when the client requests all To Do items. The import statement loads all the variables defined in the .env file and populates the Node.js process.env collection with those variables. The Nest framework bakes its own implementation of the Dependency Injection system.

what does a nest.js developer do

Then we check if the password in the DB matched what the User provided. If any of these checks fail, we return null, if not, we return the user object. Here, we are importing Strategy, PassportStrategy and AuthService.

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