Nutrition Recommendations for Those Who Consume Alcohol

Using holistic treatment methods, including vitamin and enzyme supplements, we can help heal the body, mind, and spirit affected by substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. Patients have found tremendous success in their recovery due to our naturopathic treatments and the ability to help their bodies self-heal. With the various long-term effects of substance use disorder, and how it changes the way the body can function, helping the body rebuild and learn processes is necessary. Alcohol abuse and addiction take a toll on physical health and wellbeing. Most notably, alcohol can prevent the body from absorbing nutrients leading to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. When individuals are in the active phases of addiction, there is often a poor nutritional intake.

Figuring out which ones worked best for me was an empowering process of self-discovery, and the same will be true for you. Alcohol abuse is a direct abuse of your liver and is the leading cause of liver disease in the U.S. But there’s hope, even after years of abuse because your liver has the fascinating ability to regenerate itself over time.

Vitamin Shots and IV Treatments

Milk thistle supplementation improves survival outcomes for alcoholic cirrhosis patients. Thiamine depletion is a significant factor in alcoholic brain damage. The neurotransmitters in your brain produce dopamine to help you “feel good”, however alcohol consumption interrupts these neurotransmitters.

Reputable researchers believe that by nature, drug and alcohol abuse depletes certain vitamins and minerals because very little healthy sustenance is taken on board. Some patients have commonly discovered general malnutrition, anemia, and conspicuously decreased nutrient intake when recovery begins. In general, the nutrient intake can fall below two-thirds of the normally recommended allowances. Many individuals who drink large quantities of alcohol are deficient in vitamin B1, or thiamine. In fact, this is one of the main vitamins given to people going through medical detox from alcohol.

Top 5 Supplements for People Recovering from Alcohol and Drug Addiction

You might hear that a cleanse, such as drinking only juice or eating certaindetox foods, is the best way to clear your body of toxins. But the body is capable of cleansing itself, as long as it has the right nutrients. Instead of holding back nutrients, focus on giving your body the building blocks it needs by eating balanced meals. Alcohol interferes with the body’s ability to absorb calcium.

  • The combination of counseling through the 12 Step Program, diet and the addition of the micro-nutrient protocol has proven to be the key ingredients for complete recovery.
  • Together we will explore if a full three-month bio-repair program is the right next step for you.
  • Early in recovery, your body will need to readjust to the feeling of hunger.
  • Vitamin B12 deficiencies can lead to megaloblastic anemia, or low red blood cell counts.
  • NAC also shows promise for the treatment of gambling addiction.
  • Vitamins and nutrients help the body perform countless vital functions.

Calcium supplements are the most effective when you’re also getting plenty of vitamin D, so either take this additionally or spend some time in the sun to help your body produce what it needs. However, consumption of more than 3 grams of fish oil per day is not advised, as excess can result in blood thinning. When selecting a nutritional supplement, try to find one that has both EPA and DHA. Nevertheless, do not use more than 3 grams of fish oil daily, as excessive amounts can trigger blood thinning. Lots of people with a vitamin C shortage feel tired or discouraged when quitting drinking. These are the reverse of what you need while you’re already dealing with withdrawal signs and symptoms. Vitamins B1, B3, and B5 all assist your body in turning glucose into power, and vitamins B6 and B12 assist your body in creating red blood cells.

A Complete Guide to Supplements and Vitamins for Recovering Alcoholics

Alcohol and poor eating can stop your liver from releasing glucose into your blood. This can lead to low blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia. Good nutrition also helps your brain rework old connections vitamins for recovering alcoholics and make new ones. This can make it hard to stay away from alcohol while you’re trying to get better. Our center employs addiction professionals who deliver these services with care and expertise.

Dr. Samuel Lee is a board-certified psychiatrist, specializing in a spiritually-based mental health discipline and integrative approaches. In addition, he served as the general adult outpatient psychiatrist at Kaiser Permanente. He is board-certified inpsychiatryand neurology and has a B.A. His specialty is in natural healing techniques that promote the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Often, being in recovery can be difficult for those with addictions as they can feel isolated. However, with a strong support system, these individuals can feel more connected to the world around them.

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